Strengthen the immune system – with these vitamins and trace elements by Vigorous Herbs

In order for the immune system to work well, the body needs to be supplied with the right nutrients. These vitamins and trace elements support the body in defense against infection. Vigorous Herbs provide herbs products which include these are all ingredients:

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Strengthen the immune system - with these vitamins and trace elements by Vigorous Herbs
Strengthen the immune system – with these vitamins and trace elements by Vigorous Herbs

Contents at a glance

  • Vitamin A
  • B vitamins
  • vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • zinc
  • copper
  • Selenium and iron

Vitamins and trace elements cannot work miracles. Because how strong our defenses against viruses and bacteria are depends to a large extent on our genes. However, certain nutrients get the most out of our immune system by acting as free radical scavengers, protecting defense cells or participating in defense reactions. Because the body cannot produce vitamins and trace elements itself, or cannot produce them in sufficient quantities, we have to take them in with food. The intake of artificially produced vitamins in the form of dietary supplements is only necessary in exceptional cases.  

Vitamin A

In addition to the immune cells, the defense system also consists of the skin and mucous membranes. Vitamin A helps this outer barrier work and prevents pathogens from entering the body. We usually take in a precursor of the vitamin through food – provitamin A (beta-carotene), which the body converts to vitamin A. 

Important sources : carrots, tomatoes, apricots, spinach and sea fish

B vitamins

B vitamins provide the all-round package for a strong immune system: They help the immune system to recognize pathogens as such, they contribute to cell growth and keep the mucous membranes intact. In addition, B vitamins protect the body from oxidative stress, which can weaken the immune system. 

Important sources:  cereals, whole grains, legumes, meat, fish and cheese 

vitamin C

The fact that vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is one of the most important immune boosters should not really be mentioned. If you want to prevent a cold in winter, you like to stock up on oranges and tangerines, the vitamin C bombs par excellence. Whether vitamin C has a preventive effect on the immune system, however, has not been scientifically proven: It protects the immune cells from oxidative stress and contributes to the formation of white blood cells that render pathogens harmless. 

Major Sources : Citrus Fruits, Herbs, and Broccoli

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the key hormones for a functioning immune system. This is because it activates the defense cells (T cells) and regulates the immune system. Vitamin D not only strengthens the immune system, but also seems to have a positive effect on genes that are associated with the development of autoimmune diseases. With the help of UV radiation, the body can produce the sun vitamin itself. 

Important sources : salmon, herring, tuna, cheese, eggs and mushrooms 


Just like the B vitamins and vitamin C, zinc serves as cell protection due to its antioxidant effect. What it also has in common with vitamin C is that it makes white blood cells fit to fight against pathogens. However, zinc is also active itself and is an integral part of the immune system’s defense reaction. 

Major sources : seafood, sea fish, poultry, beef, and milk 


The trace element strengthens our defenses by extending the life of body cells, including those of white blood cells. Because copper protects the cell membrane, the inner layer inside the cell, from free radicals. 

Important sources : legumes, whole grains, shellfish and nuts

Selenium and iron

Both selenium and iron are not only components of important enzymes and proteins. They also influence the activity of the immune cells in the body. If there is a selenium or iron deficiency or even both together, it can lead to an increased susceptibility to infection. Without enough iron and selenium in the blood, the immune system. Find Out For More Detail: Vigorous Herbs

Published by vigorousherbs

Vigorous Herbs is a Premium Herbal (Ayurvedic) brand that is dedicated to serving humanity with the Most Potent and Effective formulations of Ayurvedic Herbs aiming for Global Health & Wellness using their Top Notch Herbal products worldwide. Vigorous Herbs is based in India with 100% Vegan & Plant Based products.

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